In the presence of the President of the Sardinia Region Todde and various other authorities, my bronze statue dedicated ...
More...On Sunday 3 September, on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, the plaster copy of the Apollo Citared preserved in t...
More...On February 22, 2023, in the presence of the highest authorities, Santo Domingo celebrated its greatest hero Anacaona by...
More...The bust dedicated to General Carlo Albero Dalla Chiesa was inaugurated in the Palazzo Ducale in Parma, in the presence ...
More...The new statue of Saint Gemma Galgani for the first time was carried in procession on the occasion of the celebrations f...
More...The bronze statue dedicated to the Servant of God Francis J. Parater from last October is located in Richmond in Virgina...
More..."Don Beniamino Bedini's kind face has returned to smile at Capezzano Pianore made immortal by the bronze bust modeled by...
More...On September 17, 2020, the monument dedicated to D. Eisenhower, commander in chief of the American armed forces during t...
More...Some bronze sculptures of the Eisenhower Monument are exhibited in Pietrasanta. They are the work of the American artist...
More...Saturday 27 April the marble bust dedicated to Giorgio Salvatori, a worthy citizen, was inaugurated in the presence of t...
More...In the presence of the Mayor of San Giuliano Terme (Pisa) and the Associations of Road Victims, the Monument to the Vict...